
Powering Ontario's Future


Powering Ontario's Future



Index Energy is proud to have constructed a power plant that exceeds Canada's high renewable energy standards by providing clean electricity, steam and hot water for the greater Toronto area and province of Ontario. 








By 2030, Ontario’s population is expected to rise about 28 per cent— a gain of almost 3.7 million people. Ontario’s population will become more urbanized with population growth taking place in primarily urban areas. The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) population will increase by almost 38 per cent over the same period. 

All of this means that Ontario needs a more modern energy system and a diverse supply mix. Clean, reliable energy is the fuel that will power Ontario’s future economic prosperity.

Ontario must take steps today to ensure that the right kind of energy will continue to be there for us tomorrow. 

Ontario is building a culture of conservation and thus, it is expected that the province’s demand for energy will grow moderately over the next 20 years.  Increased demand in the long term will be due to the rising population, industrial growth and increased use of electrical appliances and vehicles. 

Through initiatives already underway, the province will be able to reliably meet electricity demand through 2018. Ontario needs to plan now for improving the power supply capacity to meet the province’s electricity needs beyond 2018. Index Energy plays a key role in the development of the renewable energy future the province has envisioned.